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Greatest Writing Essays For Students

The essay of Sullivan on Mister Lytle is an excellent essay for students. Perhaps you’d prefer to read an essay about the disillusionment with Western civilization by the defunct writer, Freud. Whatever your subject you’ll find inspiration within this article. In addition to Sullivan’s essay, here are five outstanding writing essays for students that will inspire you to think differently about your topic.

Sullivan’s essay on Mister Lytle

Sullivan’s prose is straightforward and captivating. His love of southern literature is evident. His essays are reminiscent of the finest of the ’60s and the ’70s New Journalism, and linger with readers like good short stories, while revealing an underlying meaning as time passes. This essay is a classic of the genre. This essay by Sullivan on Mister Lytle is a great illustration of this style.

Sullivan’s essay about Mister Lyte was praised by readers and critics alike. The essay was awarded the National Magazine Award for Best Essay 2011. Sullivan is a graduate from the University of Virginia, is married to Mariana Johnson, a film scholar and this essay is their first work together.”Mister Lytle: An Essay” is a powerful piece of literary criticism that captures both the essence and the characters of the Southern literary tradition.

Sullivan’s essay on Mister Lyle reveals his devotion to the writer by presenting letters written by the poet. It showcased Sullivan’s love for his subject, and provided an insight into his creative mind. Some critics were shocked however others saw the essay as a tribute to a great mentor and friend. It is important to remember that Lytle was a close friend of the writer, and his writings can be as compelling as any novel.

Freud’s disillusionment with Western civilization

The main function of civilization is to bind men libido. But love and civilization are bound to clash at some point. Freud identified a variety of factors that could lead to later antagonism. Family units tend to isolate people and prevent them from mature independently. Women, however, are resentful of society’s demands for intimacy. In addition, the society tends to sap sexual energy and limit options for love objects, thus making it harder for women to live their lives.

World War I shattered the Enlightenment dream of a permanent peace. In Academic Paper Writing Skills Freud’s opinion, war dissolved civilized life and resurrected primitive man. He believed that heroic behavior towards death lauded the warrior-self and disdained the mortality of others. Despite this bitter taste of human nature, his ideas were not changed.

Freud was disillusioned with Western civilization because of the world’s reaction to World War I. In 1918, anti-Semitism as well as a liberal movement were taking shape. However, the Jewish community in Vienna was considered to be degenerate. Freud’s views at the time were controversial and unconventional. It’s not surprising that Freud’s book entitled “Fragment of an Analysis of a Hysteria Caus” was so well-liked in such a polarized environment.